LAUNCH OF PUBLICATIONS AND AWARDS AT WORLD FORESTRY CONGRESS activismcommunityenvironmental journalismforestry
“ŽENE I TEHNIKA – IZLOŽBA RODNO INKLUZIVNE TEMATIKE” activismcitycommunityenergyinnovationresearchsustainable
OLIVER RESSLER: BARIKADIRANJE LEDENIH PLOČA /Barricading the Ice Sheets activismcommunityenvironmental journalismsustainable
COP 26- zaštita prirode i smanjenje ovisnosti o ugljenu energyenvironmental journalismforestrysustainable
Posjet EU centru za obnovljive izvore energije- Güssing, Austrija communityenergyinnovationsustainableurban environment
Interview with Ana Fornažar: Stories from the forest – workshops for children (Priče iz šume – radionice za djecu) activismcommunityforestryinterviewskill sharingUncategorized
Circular economy in the construction sector: Current and future challenge of the cities of the world circular economycity
Fostering circular economy in the construction sector with just one Click: the story of Urban Click circular economycity
Interview with Daniel Rodriguez Paredes –General director of Amazóniko- collaborative recycling platform interviewrecycling